Today, Monday 13 March is an important date in the evolution of the IRSN dismantling project decided by the French government early February, in fact IRSN more united than ever is demonstrating again today against this decision considered rushed and unjustified.
Press coverage
UNITED KINGDOM: letter from NTW’s member published in Cumbrian newspaper
Here is the letter including reference to new UK legislation, published in Cumbrian newspapers by NTW member Tim Knowles the 19 February 2023:
As predicted the investment bonanzas forecast by our politicians over the last decade have failed to materialise. Moorside, the National Grid upgrade, new high quality roads, rail improvements etc etc have proved to be hot air. Yes there are a few “town deals”, but these don’t start to replace the money cut from Cumbrian council budgets during the period. … [Read More]
FRENCH NUCLEAR SAFETY: potential threat on independence and transparency
“The French government has announced plans to transfer the competences of the Institute for Radiation Protection & Nuclear Safety (IRSN – Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire) to other institutions. The aim is to strengthen synergies at a time when France is seeking to expand its nuclear programme.”[1] … [Read More]
DECISION of the Dutch Council of State and Aarhus Convention
Here is below an article reporting the outcomes of NTW organisation Laka’s actions towards more compliance to criteria of the Aarhus Convention namely “access to information” and “access to justice”. It also relates directly to the BEPPER report and the “access to funding”.